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Top 20 Business Idea 2020 :-

20 Best Business Ideas :– 2020 

1.Social Impact Investment Funds:
Social impact is becoming a priority in India as consumers are intelligent, and know what they consume has an effect on them and the earth. This business idea involves fundraising money from various groups of investors to create a fund that will invest socially responsible and positive earth-impacting ventures.

2. Cheap Home Solar Energy Setup Company:
The solar could feed into the main battery for the individual or building to provide additional power. To execute, you could start by finding 10 people interested in this service that will pay you before the work is done, and then you have the money to buy to solar panels, creating a low initial investment for this business idea.

3. Community  Generator/ Energy  Supply Control:
Inspired by the previous business idea of installing home solar panels. This business idea involved developing electrical generators that can store extra power for a small community. For this idea, one could approach different communities in Indian cities or towns to find the groups that need this.
This business idea for India sprouts from the problem that utility companies have of providing energy consistently and reliably to every person in the country. There is also a heavy reliance on coal that will eventually need to be shifted to electricity for sustainability.
4. Internet  infrastructure Building Company:
There is significant growing demand for stronger and better internet throughout all of India. Although there are currently providers, there is a lack of internet speeds in the and even some issues with connectivity from the larger corporations. This leaves the business idea for starting an internet infrastructure in perfect light to execute.
Although this business idea is not low-cost, it would have a lot of positive impact on people and could make a lot of money.
 5. India  Culture E-Commerce Niche Store:
E-Commerce is growing at a substantial pace. This is mainly due to the access to cheap labor and goods, as well as the ability to ship internationally at a fraction of the cost it used to years ago. This business idea specifically relates to selling cultural items from India.
market in india
Given that many people around the world appreciate the culture in India, many would like to have authentic pieces of art in their homes. By setting up an  to fulfill this, you can solve that problem. The company would be low-cost to start, and you could begin by partnering with your favourite street vendors.

6.Warehouse/ Inventory Management for E-Commerce:
Again, playing off the e-commerce trend, the warehouse management company for e-commerce would provide fulfillment for the e-commerce stores. Instead of an e-commerce store setting up their own distribution channels, buying fleet trucks, and warehouses to store the goods, this company would do it all for them.
You could start by buying large pieces of land to hold people’s goods. Then use a shipping company to send them to the places they need to go, this business idea could make money from holding peoples goods in the warehouse. As well, you could charge for each shipment sent. 
7. Last-Mile Delivery Solution Company:
In India, are facing the problem of having extreme difficulties providing delivery services to some rural areas. This is because the road infrastructure is not developed enough, or it is just very far from everything else. With this idea, you can provide the last mile delivery solutions by setting up a warehouse on the edge of the city limits.
Then, once the other shipping company gets there, you handle the final miles of the trip. This may involve buying a fleet of scooters or shipping trucks to deliver the shipments for the last couple miles. Places where regular shipping companies are not willing to do.
This company would need some investment to fund the warehouse at the outside city limits, as well as vehicles or drones for the last-mile delivery service.

8. Mobile wallet payment solution:
Cash is a huge part of the People are more comfortable using cash than other payment methods. Until now. The growth of mobile payment solutions is ripe for extreme growth.
phone screenA significant portion of the population have smartphones, and rely on them to communicate, do research, and watch entertainment.
This business idea would require a decent amount of startup capital, however, because this is directed for business in India, there is a wealth of programmers and coders that one would have access to. Making the startup costs lower, and more reasonable.

9. Compliance & Regulations Management for E-Commerce Stores:
Like I mentioned before, e-commerce business ideas are ready to blow-up in India due to multiple factors positively influencing the market. With this, comes a lot of  that need to be followed. This company would provide those solutions to other e-commerce companies so they could operate legally.
Since the government is always looking at new laws to implement in the business environment, this idea would help many other entrepreneurs navigate the field of compliance and regulations.
This is a  that could be executed by using only yourself and your knowledge of the industry regulations.
10. Block chain Tracked Bank Ledger for E-Commerce Transactions:
The block chain is a growing technology, and is going to become an essential part of the business in the Indian marketplace in the coming years. The government has set up support funds to help the development of technologies like this and the Internet of Things, leaving this business idea ripe for making money.
The block chain tracking bank ledger would allow e-commerce store owners to track where their payments are coming from, verify they are secure, and be able to accept money faster. There is a large problem with the current where the money is only collected once the goods are delivered. This creates a large cash flow problem for stores that could be solved using this trustworthy and verified technology.

11. IoT Home/ Builder Consultant:
The Indian government has released plans to support the development and innovation that is happening with the Internet of Things technology. This support is a huge opportunity for business women and men to create a startup that services this area. One related business idea is to be an internet of things Home Builder/ Consultant.
smart home appliances
You would work with developers or existing homeowners to transform their living space into one that is automated to their liking. Turning their regular home into a Smart Home.

This business idea would be low-cost to start, as the parts for the IoT installations are quite cheap, and you could find clients that would pay you up-front for the services.

12. Solar Electrical Smart Grid Company (IoT):
During the peak power demands, the smart grid company would have the ability to re-route power to certain areas for providing enough energy at peak demands or for restoring power to an area that lost power from one part of the electricity grid.
This idea would be high-cost but also could be subsidized potentially by the Indian government.

13. TV Ad Specialist Company:
To execute, one could start approaching companies that are already running ads on TV, or you can approach the competitors who don’t have ads on the TV and they can be your client. There is no sign of TV usage slowing in India so this is a great business idea.
Startup costs would involve studio space, green screens, cameras, and lighting to create the ads you need.

14. Mobile Ads Specialist for Businesses:
The use of mobile phones in India compared to that of the United States or Canada is incredibly different. Cell phone usage is high, and there is growing demand for continued use as well. This presents the business opportunity to develop mobile advertising for companies that do not have the knowledge or bandwidth or do this.
It could start out as a low-cost business idea if you have some marketing or advertising skills, as you don’t need much to create mobile ads.

15. Biometric Sensor Company:
This business idea would develop and sell these sensors to companies that would install them into products or services. There would need to be a medium-sized investment to make this happen as one would have to rent or build facilities to manufacture the sensors.
However, there can be high financial rewards as multinational companies would likely want to do business with you as they use biometric sensors more and more.

16. Rural Drone Delivery Company:
As mentioned previously, there is demand for providing shipping services to places outside of large cities. The demand for delivery to these areas is only going to grow as the internet access increases and becomes better.
To start this business you would want to buy a couple drones, and then start making partnerships with businesses in rural areas that require regular shipments.

17. Blockchain Ledger for Shipping & Border Customs Company:
Another blockchain technology company. This time it is designed around helping speed up and create efficient border shipments. With the huge exporting economy that India has, there is a lot of shipments that get opened and checked to avoid drug smuggling.
blockchain shipping company business idea

To execute on this business idea, knowledge of how blockchain technology is developed would be needed. Once created, one could approach various e-commerce companies as potential clients to help them ship things faster, and make more money.

18. DDOS Cyber Attack Prevention Security Company:-
This idea solves this problem by creating a company that can identify DDOC attacks, and prevent them from happening in the first place. Although some firms are already doing this, there is a lot of room to make money in this area. This would be a medium cost business due to the server space that would be needed, as well as the software and coding needed to be done to create a DDOS prevention company. However, the creator could charge a lot of money for the service since some businesses could lose thousands of dollars in just hours if their website went down.

19. Web Designer:
This business idea is not revolutionary, has already been done, but there is high demand for this. Many of the reports show the importance for small businesses to create websites for their stores. With this comes the need for web designers to help them as not all small business owners want to do this themselves.
20. Online Conversion Specialist:
Again, with the rising demand and need for small businesses to engage with customers online, especially mobile, there are business ideas that will help these people struggling. An online conversion specialist company would involve helping people convert their online traffic visitors into sales.conversion business idea in india
This differs from the web designer business idea because you would primarily be working with companies that have established websites and want to convert their existing traffic into more sales.


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