During the 44th Annual General Meeting, Reliance Industries chairman, Mr Mukesh Ambani announced the upcoming budget-friendly smartphone called Jio Phone Next. As announced last year, the device runs on a custom version of Android OS which has been specifically designed for the Indian smartphone market, focussing on feature phone users. Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, also made an appearance at the launch event. Keep reading to know the Jio Phone Next launch date. The Jio Phone Next launch date has been set for September 10, on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. The announcement also adds that the Jio Phone Next would be available across India, and can be purchased offline through the Jio Stores, the authorized Jio retail stores. Given the price and the feature set of the phone, a heavy demand might make it tough for a customer to get their hands on the device. Jio Phone Next price was not revealed at the time of announcement. However, the company did announce that they...
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