DigiBoxx, a Made-in-India digital asset management and storage platform has launched in India. This cloud storage and file sharing service was announced by Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant.The launch of DigiBoxx comes just a few weeks after Google announced that it won’t be offering unlimited free photo uploads starting June 1, 2021. The service is priced competitively, as the company is offering free 20GB cloud storage and 100GB space per month to those who pay just Rs 30. “We have created an innovative model through which we are working with multiple Indian Data Centres to achieve these price points. It’s an intelligent mesh created using domestic cloud solutions. The platform is the first of its kind ‘Make in India, Store in India’ digital asset management SaaS product that is in line with the country’s national security and data localisation priorities. DigiBoxx has different prices and benefits for a free user, an individual/freelancer, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) and en...
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