PARAM-siddhi is now India’s most powerful supercomputer after beating Pratyush. It was even ranked at the 63rd position among the top 500 most powerful Supercomputers. PARAM-siddhi was built under the NSM and is to be installed in C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing’s) unit. According to some reports, PARAM-Siddhi has a computing power of 6.5 petaflops. PARAM Siddhi-AI has an Rpeak capacity of 5.267 Petaflops and Rmax capacity of 4.6 Petaflops. It was led and built on NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD architecture. The system, jointly built by the Department of Science and Technology and Ministry of Electronics and IT under the National Supercomputing Mission, was conceptualised by Pune-headquartered Centre for Development of Advanced Computing. This Artificial Intelligence-based system’s wide applications cover advanced materials, education, space, agriculture, defence and national security, computational chemistry and astrophysics, drug design and preventive healthcare systems, as ...
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